At BiYuan Clothing Factory, we are committed to delivering exceptional products and services to our valued customers. To ensure clarity on our policies, please review the following information.

Refund Policy:

Order Completion:
Once an order is marked as completed, and production is finalized, we will notice customer,any deposits made by the customer are non-refundable without pickup within 30 days.

Customers are required to take delivery of their orders within 30 days of order completion. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of any deposit entitlement, and BiYuan reserves the right to manage and handle the associated goods.

Returns Policy:

Order Completion:

In the event that a customer fails to pick up goods within 30 days of order completion, BiYuan holds the right to manage and handle the products associated with the order.

Conditions for Returns:

Returns will only be accepted for products with serious manufacturing defects or damages incurred during transit after our inspection and confirmation. Customers must notify us within 7 days of receiving the order and offer the proof. Or, need more negotiation.

Return Procedure:

Returns will only be accepted if authorized by BiYuan Clothing Factory. Unauthorized returns will not be processed.
Contact Information:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund and returns policy, please contact your relative sales manager.

Thank you for choosing BiYuan Clothing Factory!